Podcast with Giselle Mota Part 2
Organizations should prioritize digital transformation by figuring out the problem they're trying to solve and creating experiences to differentiate and, to create experiences where customers can try on a product and contact a customer service person. Giselle Mota emphasizes the importance of having an agile mindset and being inclusive when investing in digital transformation. Digital twins can be smart through AI, augmented reality, virtual reality, robotics, and other technologies. The Metaverse world is a future of work where emotions are amplified to enable more empathy, similar to drones or remote cars. The Metaverse is a new concept that combines virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, and mixed reality, combining them all together to create a new concept called the metaverse.It is important for humans to learn when to unplug from the digital world and how to network, play, and work in it. People are taking on more jobs and roles while working from home, leading to mental fatigue and the burnout of the great resignation trend. Unplugging throughout the day can help people manage their time better and have more work life balance. Giselle Mota encourages everyone to be curious about other people and to put an inclusion lens on their work to create a better future for everyone.
[00:00:00] Andrew Liew Weida: Wow. Okay. And so let's say like one of the use case that you mentioned about retail, because of Covid there's a lot more restrictions and people needs to use, robotics or even apps to order things and get delivered to their home.
[00:00:14] Andrew Liew Weida: Like using a DoorDash or Uber Eat and, And so in the course of doing this transformation, what do you know leaders or C-suite executives need to take note when they do digital transformation?
[00:00:24] Giselle Mota: So yes, for sure it's this figuring out first what's the problem that you're trying to solve? And then take a look at the resources available to you.
[00:00:33] Giselle Mota: Or do you need to create something internally to solve that problem? Is the problem that you want to create more experiences for your employees or more experiences for your clients that are virtual because you're trying to keep everything safe. If that's the problem, then figure out, okay, how do we do that?
[00:00:53] Giselle Mota: And where do we start? Is it apart from just doing curbside pickup and online ordering? Okay how else can we differentiate? Do we create experiences where now people can try on a product virtually, where they can contact a customer service person? And by the way, I saw a statistic the other day that said that last year there was about 100 billion customer service requests that were handled by chatbots alone. Wow. That were driven by ai. Yeah. A hundred billion. And it is a far stretch from even just a couple years before that. But that's because people are getting more efficient. There's more, they understanding that questions, common questions that are asked chatbots have developed, and the AI behind it has become more conversational so you don't even feel like you're really interacting with a machine. You think you're interacting with someone and getting your questions answered. Because there's so much data that has being collected and observed and analyzed. And now those chatbots are smart. So organizations are thinking about , how do we solve problems and make sure that we hone in on particular business cases. And then I think they're also getting smarter about do we have to build this ourselves or are there startup companies or marketplaces that we could tap into that might be smaller than us but maybe they're ahead of us in certain innovation.
[00:02:14] Giselle Mota: And so maybe we could lean on a small startup that develops a way to answer questions. In the chatbot form, that's gonna take us way too long to develop ourselves. So maybe there's that. The other thing is agility is the mindset . Remember I said about failing?
[00:02:29] Andrew Liew Weida: Yes.
[00:02:30] Giselle Mota: When you invest in innovation or when you go down that route this stuff is so new and so accelerated that you could try something and fail. Sure. You have to have the mindset that's going to happen. And always go back with an agile mindset. Test it, try it. If it fails, go back. Iterate, keep going. And finally, I would say to your question, Andrew, is just be inclusive. Whatever you do as an organization, you have to think, how is this impacting all of my customers? How is this impacting all of my employees? How is this impacting all of my stakeholders, those people of different ages, different genders, different races, everything what does this mean and how can I be inclusive?
[00:03:13] Andrew Liew Weida: Coming back you mentioned about chat bot and using artificial intelligence. So is chatbot the only one that is actually being widely used in digital transformation in the US or are there other aspects of artificial intelligence that's being used in digital transformation?
[00:03:28] Giselle Mota: Oh no, not at all. That was just one example I think. Here in the US we're people. and not just here, but around the world, people are looking into this concept called web three, or some people call it web 3.0. So all of these things that have been discussed, virtual reality, augmented reality, has been on the rise and through mixed reality as well. It's just creating these new experiences where people are able to interact with a physical asset. Remember I told you during the pandemic, here is a quick example too.
[00:03:59] Giselle Mota: And this is, the US has adopted this a lot. Like the concept of digital twins is not new, but the concept of a digital twin that can be smart through AI is newer. And then you can start to use, let me paint the picture for you. Let's say I'm at my house. Okay. And I use, now I'm working from home, let's say, but I used to work in manufacturing plant that used to create the engines for a jet plane. And now I'm no longer there, maybe because of offices decided to shut down or they decided to let their people go home for safety issues for covid. So from home I can put sensors in the, where that jet is, where that machinery is. I could put sensors on it, many nodes. And from home I can have a software that will give me the digital replica of that physical jet part. And from home with artificial intelligence sensing when the machine fan has gone down, when something is malfunctioning, when it's overheating, when it's whatever it's doing, it'll send me that realtime notification. And from my computer at home on the software, I can deploy a mechanic to go work on that. Or I can adjust something from my computer settings to make sure that I adjust the temperature from home remotely. I can affect the physical asset without having to physically be present there. And I can see it in 3D and I can put on virtual reality glasses and manipulate that tool. I could use augmented reality to bring that to life into my space, for example, and I could start pivoting it, giving a 360 degree rotation from home, right from my mobile device. So this is just to give you an example that these are experiences that are being used in real life. People are tapping into technologies, and those are like four that I just gave you. But they are also using all kinds of other technologies where there's holograms projections. People are giving conferences in virtual meetings without ever having to be in person. And they're doing that projecting in these ways. And then just again, robotics is on the rise as well. In airports in the United States, you can get something delivered from a restaurant to your gate by a robot so you don't sit there around around on your own
[00:06:22] Andrew Liew Weida: Yeah. That's something new because the digital twins, I think it happens back in 15 years ago. So I was thinking, what is that difference? Unless, yeah, like you said the only difference of this add-on is using artificial intelligence where , you can deeply interact with the engines right from your home.
[00:06:38] Giselle Mota: Exactly.
[00:06:39] Andrew Liew Weida: But then isn't that the concept very similar to drones or remote cars where boom, those days when we were kids I, maybe when I'm a kid, I play a remote car, except that it's more bandwidth transmission. I was thinking along the line of, because we you are a future of work and I has always been talking to some of my friends who are futur is a future of work and how does the Meta world or Web 3.0 would effect. The last year I've been reading a lot of reports, including adp, they were talking about as the results of COVID 19 or pandemic we're living in the third year more and more people actually working longer hours despite saving time on commute. And the reason is that before covid people are in their office and you can have small talks. You can right away go to the desk store talking to their colleagues about, Hey, how do I troubleshoot this thing? Or What does this means? But ever since now, everybody. All on our own room, on our own space back at home. We have to use Zoom. We have to use Google Hangout, slack, and we have to communicate even more to understand the nuances of our work. And also emotions are being hyped. You can't see facial features until you really meet somebody face to face or until somebody switch on the camera. So I thought that , in the Metaverse world where you have all these animated characters where Microsoft bought up a blizzard. Now, let's say today I'm very angry. You can see suddenly my, the image in the conference, I become a dinosaur because I'm very angry or somebody is very sad becoming like a small little kitten, so Correct. It's like the amplification of our emotions on display that enable that richness of being more empathy. What are your thoughts on that?
[00:08:15] Giselle Mota: That's good. And I wanna touch on something you just said a second ago. So you are absolutely right now, even though there are technologies that existed before. And so what's new? What's new is that we're finding new ways to in reinvent those and add onto them. So before, again, just as an example . Artificial intelligence. Is being used there. Data analytics is used there. Virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, those are not new concepts, but merging them all together is this new concept called the metaverse. And I have to put it like that because it's so an obvious like word, but it's just building on top of things.
[00:08:53] Giselle Mota: Yes, digital twins are not new, but being able to take what existed there and compound its effect with real time analytics because of those analytics and maybe even the use of quantum computing soon, where we're doing more computational analysis. And so AI can do even more. Add that onto that and imagine what you can do and then add onto that, that someone has a virtual reality experience, an augmented reality experience and now you've, experiencing all of these things that were old in new ways. And the same with the Metaverse. You're right. I think people feel like they're plugged in and the thing is like, when do you. Plug out we have apps on our phone that can tell us how long we've been using screen time.
[00:09:37] Giselle Mota: But with work, people's little green dots on their systems that they're available because they're stuck to their computer. Maybe they'll go and cook something, maybe they'll go clean, maybe they'll step away from their computer and go pick up their child from school. But they're always on and maybe they're picking their own hours at home while they're working, but they're always on.
[00:09:56] Giselle Mota: And I think it's important for just humans to learn when to unplug with the metaverse, if people start learning how to network there, how to play, how to have more experiences there and even work in there. I wonder, almost, Andrew, to your point, how much more will people be even more plugged in?
[00:10:16] Giselle Mota: because those experiences tend to suck people in a little bit. So I wonder if there's going to be even worse of an issue there where people need to learn when to physically unplug.
[00:10:26] Andrew Liew Weida: I like the, along the line of this conversation, so let's talk about the plug and unplug because Yes you are right on the fact that ever since everybody works from home, we are more required to communicate even more and therefore all these digital mediums, our tools are there for, to communicate. And there was this research by LinkedIn and Microsoft team that came together and they realized that before Covid 19 typically anywhere in the world in the us, Singapore, or New York Australia in lunchtime, which is between 12 noon to 2:00 PM before Covid 19, the amount of emails and communication is a dip let's say at 11:00 AM it's probably, a thousand emails for a company. And then it goes down to 200 and it goes back up to a thousand again after two. But after Covid 19, the research states that the email drop has actually extended from, let's say, the day you start ping on, I'm on at Microsoft team or Slack at 8:00 AM to all the way 6:00 PM Like, it's almost like instantly 1000 emails or 1000 ping messages every hour.
[00:11:31] Andrew Liew Weida: Can you imagine like that amount of going to the brain like what Elon Musk saying, the neural link amount of bandwidth that hits your head. Wouldn't you feel like mental fatigue, that explains the burnout of the great resignation trend.
[00:11:45] Giselle Mota: Andrew, there's been studies showing people are taking on more jobs and more roles than even side hustles while they're working from home, so some people have added another job to the themselves while they're working from home at the same time. I don't know. It's a lot . I think people. Notice, I think what matters to people, their values really changed During the pandemic, I think people started to notice, wait a minute, I can do more with my time during the day if I'm not in an office and I'm not having water cooler conversations, or I'm not having to attend many meetings and break up my day and do this and that. If I don't have to commute into the office and then back home and get ready in the morning to enter into physical space. A lot of people who work like that now starting to find that they probably could manage their time better and they had more work life balance.
[00:12:30] Giselle Mota: So I feel like I've heard both sides of the story where people need to yes, learn how to unplug, but I wonder if part of the other side of the research is they are unplugging throughout their day. They're managing their hours better. And so maybe it looks like they're on all the time, but people are not working maybe that full amount of the time, maybe the, that influx of emails that you see is because during that time, people chose to really go for it, right?
[00:12:57] Giselle Mota: Answer all the eating meals, do the things at a certain peak of time, and then they may be stepping away from their. Or doing things at the same time and multitasking could get things done around their house, pay attention to their kids and help them with their homework or whatever has been happening at home.
[00:13:13] Andrew Liew Weida: Oh, yeah. Yeah.
[00:13:14] Giselle Mota: That's a very interesting dynamic.
[00:13:15] Andrew Liew Weida: totally agree with you on the other side of the fence, where they are people that really benefit a lot from without having to commute to work. And like you said while they are meeting, they're paper babysitting, they are children or caregiving to a grandmother. So I had a grandmother that has cancer and I had a very elderly parents, so I prefer to work from home because I save two hours drive to an airport when I was in the airline, or in the bank, and that amount is almost like a day or four hours. And imagine you do it compound on 200 days, that's almost three months of my life. Per month.
[00:13:51] Giselle Mota: When you put it like that, enjoy it. That sounds like a lot.
[00:13:54] Andrew Liew Weida: Yeah. And also like sometimes because the other side of, like you say I enjoy remote work because of the fact that if there are some leaders and managers like to do endless small talks without objective agenda, I just switch off my camp record. Sorry. For those who out there really , it's not that I don't want to, sometimes it doesn't work my Camp Crowder, but most of the time it is like, if the guy doesn't show respect to everybody's time I gotta find something else to do. Maybe do, go back,
[00:14:22] Giselle Mota: I underst. I would say for everyone listening, no matter what your culture is, no matter where you live in the world and you're listening to. Be curious about other people. And when you do that you expose yourself to other people, the way of life, the way that they think, the way they approach things. I know that we are ma almost married to the way that we are upbringing our worldview, our countries, but the world is global and there's so much more out there. So I would just say everything that you do, put an inclusion lens on, put some glasses on of inclusion, and think about people that approach the world differ from you.
[00:14:58] Giselle Mota: And once you can do that, I think that we can have a better future work for everybody.